My Question To You Is, Are You Truly Ready To Make a Lasting Positive Change In Your Life?
I know I can help you to reduce pain, lose weight, build strength, increase mobility and just flat out feel better in as little as 12 weeks. But until you're 100% ready, and truly committed to making a positive change, there's nothing I can do to help you. If you believe you are honestly ready to make massive changes in your life read my short message below.
Dave Stevens

In the past 12 years I've helped hundreds if not thousands of others achieve similar results and chances are very good that if ... and only if ... you are ready and committed enough to invest your time, energy and a modest amount of money into your well being, I know I can help you too. But your commitment is the most important part. I can't help you if you are not ready.
So here is my question for you ... are you finally ready to ...
I Know I Can Help Because Not Only Have I Helped Thousands Achieve Amazing Results In 2007 I Was Broken, Physically and Mentally
In my 50s, I found myself struggling as my once athletic body broke down in ways that I couldn't have imagined. I watched my parents and friends age poorly, living out their later years stuck in their bed or chair, depressed and hating life. I truly thought I was on the same path, facing multiple surgeries to provide a modest amount of relief from my physical break down, and fighting depression. Then the final straw, I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in my early 50s.
I was so sick and tired that I finally got off my butt, abandoned all of the traditional methods that I had been trying for 10 years and started researching and discovering what REALLY works for people rather than buying into the drug/surgery culture.
I was willing to do whatever it took to age well and to feel better. I discovered multiple strategies, techniques, how to feed myself for weight loss and energy, and ways to exercise that quickly returned me to optimal health and a positive attitude. I move better in my 60s than I did in my 30s, I take NO medications and have amazing health.
If you are sick and tired, ready to get off of your butt and finally make positive live changes that will last a lifetime.
If you want all of the benefits and are indeed ready to rock and roll I'll work directly with you with for a minimum of 3 Months. Seriously, you make the commitment and I'll give everything I've got to help you to achieve your goals.
Here is the plan ... First we'll get together and customize your workouts and eating plan that will fit your lifestyle. You will receive regular emails and messages from me reminding you to take action. I won't get in your face, but I will be the thorn in your side to get you to take action. We'll meet for weekly one-on-one online sessions to review your progress and make any tweaks necessary for the following week.
Just a heads up ... and maybe this is the deal breaker for you, I'm not the food nazi but you MUST limit your sugars, refined carbs and eat an overall healthy diet. None of this works without a full commitment to change your life for the better!
I know money can be an issue. It was for me. But I was ready. When I first discovered the first solution and realized that it very well could save me from multiple surgeries I went for it ... I was willing to try anything. I worked with a personal trainer for 4 weeks at the price of $525 a week. A huge investment for me at the time ... but I was desperate ... and I was ready. I also invested hundreds of dollars in books, lectures, training and so much more.
But The Bottom Line Is That It Worked. I will share these discoveries with you and instruct you how to apply them to your life, saving you tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours of research, training and testing.
It's important that you know everything that you are committing to ... so in summary, you make a 3 month commitment to following the plan. If you will pledge to take action I'll give you all of the tools you will need to achieve your goals.
I've done all I can to keep this affordable. Your cost will only be $90 a week (not the $525 a week like I paid). This can be broken down into 3 payments or you can save 10% by making a one time payment.
I am limiting this to a very small number of participants at any given time so I can devote my full energies to your success. I want this to work for YOU!
If you are ready and committed take advantage of this limited opportunity below and I'll be in contact with you ASAP to get you set up and rocking!!!!!
Dave, I'm in I want it so bad it hurts! I cannot wait!!!
Invest In Yourself Today and I'll be in touch within 24 hours to activate all of your training and schedule your initial session.
12 Week Life Change Includes
Dave, I'm in I can't wait to get started!!!!!!
Questions? E-mail, Text or Call 503-440-8921